Monday, September 14, 2009

Sorry it's been so long....

I so didn't realize how long it had been since I'd written something..don't worry there is a good reason...

Well to start off, I was gone for a good portion of last month up to Pennsylvania, where I attended/worked at the GNI Gathering 2009, for those of you not familiar, GNI stands for Gay Naturists International.

Overall I had an awesome time, and I will definitely be writing more about it soon, for that I was gone from August 18th, until September the 1st, and the weekend prior to that I attended another of my events with my Florida group here in FL from the 14th to the 16th..

As I know your all probably thinking does this guy have anything to say about anything else other than naturism, I will definitely start some other topics soon...

Today I just want to give a shout out on my blog to one of my favorite blog buddies, who I can say was part of my motivation at this attempt to start my own blog..

Shannon Boh from Australia, he posted a very touching video about life on youtube that I found touching and I hope you do to...

His blog can be found at

On a totally different note I've been dealing with something on more of a personal level, something that I've never had to confront personally before it was always just some distant thing that you hear about in the news and about people that I've never really known on a close personal level.

Last month, right before I left on my trip to GNI, the night before I was leaving I found out one of my close friends is HIV positive...I knew something was up since he'd been in the hospital for a few days previous, and I knew nothing good could come out of him saying that there's something that we need to talk about along with the dreaded words "I don't want to talk about it on the phone", when someone says this you just know something isn't right. So to all you guys out there, especially the younger once like under 30, who think that HIV isn't real or that it can't affect you, all I have to say is YES IT please practice safe sex and encourage your friends to do the same, so you or your friends won't have to deal with this disease...

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